South Carolina is rich with history. Just a few counties over from Lake Keowee is Abbeville and one of the treasures that Abbeville holds in the city is their opera house! The theatre opened its doors October 10th of 1908. Why was this theatre established in this location at the turn of the century? Well, there were numerous shows during that day from New York City that would then travel through the country. Many of the popular tours ran from New York to Richmond and then Atlanta with Abbeville a frequent stopping point for the entire touring group. The community at the time decided to build this grand theatre to have the opportunity to sponsor the groups on their journey.
Today, the historic Abbeville Opera House draws in over 17,000 patrons each year! With over 200 seats that face a 7,800 square foot stage, this theatre is worth the trip to experience for yourself. Now, among these updated seats you will see one solitary antique chair. It is said that the opera house is haunted by a young actress who fell ill and died during a performance at the theatre! The chair is left for her ghost. But many say this actress is not the only spirit haunting the grounds. Rumor has it that an African-American workman dies during the construction of the building and now haunts the backstage.
Regardless of whether you believe in ghosts or not, the beautifully restored Abbeville Opera House is not to be missed.

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