Lake Keowee inspires so many through its impeccable beauty that there is actually even a conservation group specifically created for keeping Keowee beautiful. Formed in 1993, the Friends of Lake Keowee Society is a group of conservationists and lake enthusiasts with a mission to “preserve, protect and enhance Lake Keowee and its watershed through advocacy, conservation, and education.”
Since its formation almost 3 decades ago, FOLKS has quite the list of accomplishments behind the name. They have received the Honor Roll Award from the Izaak Walton League for their work on promoting stewardship and conservation. Also recognized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for efforts to improve the water quality. Not to mention the nearing three decades of lake sweeps and island cleanups, this organization is hard working but with great reward!
FOLKS works hard to grow advocacy by holding photo contests, organizing cleaning meet-ups with locals, and working with schools to involve and educate children in sustainability efforts.
Friends of Lake Keowee Society is a 501(c) organization and relies heavily on donations. If you are a resident of the Upstate, or just an admirer of Lake Keowee’s beauty, we highly encourage you to support this cause. You can donate financially or simply with your time. The organization recently moved so here is their new contact information:
Friend of Lake Keowee Society
1209 A Stamp Creek Road
Salem, SC 29676
(864) 719-0599
To learn more about FOLKS and how you may get involved, visit FOLKS’ website or their Facebook page today!

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